Sunday, January 18, 2015

The cash-for-vote Scam in Delhi:-

The contract and the three bidders.

There is a huge government contract worth crores of Rupees coming up in Delhi. 

Mr.B and Mr.C, the high profile bidders decided to bribe the government officials to any extent to win the contract.

Mr.B knows to portray very well that he has a good track record in executing contracts 'with quality' irrespective of the ground reality. Government officials also forget that in weberian bueraucracy, they ought to forget their private interests like religion, caste, family etc so that they can carry out their duties neutrally . This comes in handy for Mr.B who doesnt hesitate to win brownie points by appealing to the religion of government officials.

Mr.C has a track record dating back to more than 50 years. Mr.C's ancestors have mixed records in executing government contracts. In fact, Bidding and executing government contracts is his family's profession.

Then came Mr.AK.
Mr.AK has claimed to have fought tooth and nail against corruption. He won the last contract based on this claim but ran away because he couldnt end corruption. Corruption will end the very next day, when Mr.C's Jan Lok pal comes into operation. But as Jan Lokpal didnt come, Mr.AK terminated the contract just after beginning it. 

Now,Mr.AK is trying to cut a deal with the government officer. "Take bribe from both B and C, but don't do the work for them. Award the contract to me. This is the only way to fight corruption. If B or C doesnt give you money go and demand from them. Its your right to ask for bribe and you deserve it. Its not bribe, its a fee to do your duty."

Mr.AK also promises to execute the contract with high quality without any kickbacks or cuts. Because his "Jan lokpal" will end corruption the very next day after coming into operation. Corruption is defined by Mr.AK as "fraudulent actions done by Mr.A and Mr.B to obtain the contract and while executing it". The same fradulent actions done by Mr.AK cannot be covered under that definition.

Forgot to add. you can identify Mr.AK easily by the cap he wears occasionally. The cap is the symbol of the man who said "You must be the change you wish to see in this world"

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