Sunday, January 25, 2015

50th anniversary of anti-hindi imposition movement

This Republic day marks the 50th anniversary of anti-hindi 'imposition' movement in Tamilnadu. The movement succeeded in forcing the central government to pass Official Languages Act in 1965 which declared both English and Hindi as Official Languages of the Indian Union. 

--But till date Hindi enjoys special status vis-a-vis the remaining eighth schedule languages. There is no reason for the central government to give special funding to promote hindi through a separate department within the Ministry of Home Affairs.

--Central government recruitment exams give an edge to candidates with hindi mother tongue as the exams are conducted only in Hindi and English medium. This puts the non-hindi candidates at disadvantage as they have to master English to compete equally with the hindi speaking candidates

-- To those who think that English is foreign and not "our" Language, please realize that even Hindi is not the language of "many Indians" here and is alien to them. Stop comparing India with countries like Italy or france having a single language. as they are nation-states formed out of something common among its citizens. 

-- The legacy of the "anti-hindi imposition" movement which sought to usher in linguistic equality has completely been neglected. Instead future generations were taught wrongly that Hindi is the national language.

--One of the important component of healthy democracy is to protect the interests of minorities. Interests of linguistic minorities within each state and within the country as a whole must be protected to ensure successful functioning of democracy. In order to bring in a 'mindset' of Linguistic equality among citizens, firstly the central government must stop the special and differential treatment for Hindi.

Happy Republic day.

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