Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Apollo mission and Interstellar movie

The Apollo mission(landing on the moon) was one of the glorious one in the scientific history of USA.

In the movie Interstellar, a school teacher says that "it was a brilliant piece of propaganda which made soviets pour money into useless rockets and machines". A high-profile movie taken in USA  comes with such a scene ridiculing one the historical achievements of USA, based on the conspiracy theories surrounding Apollo mission. Yet there were no  protests or fatwa against the movie,

Besides theory of relativity, gravitational time dilation and other scientific aspects, one thing which the Indians must learn from this movie is how the American society respects freedom of speech.

In India every popular personality, every event, every society and way of living that existed in the past is converted as 'sacred' that any criticism of these is attacked and suppressed. Instead of bragging about our ability to reproduce at faster rates by terming India as 'biggest' democracy, let us realise soon that democracy is not only about 'free and fair' conduct of elections but also about freedom of speech.

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