Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Language policy of Singapore

As a matter of fact, Lee Kuan Yew, the founder of modern Singapore, who passed away recently, made 4 languages as Official Languages of Singapore-English, Tamil, Malay, Mandarin. This means every single document published by the government would be in all the 4 languages.
Singapore has a bilingual education policy where medium of instruction is English and the other language being the student's mother tongue.
This policy also has its own minor flaws. But it was the best available one to accommodate the interests of the Diverse groups.
The majority linguistic group was intelligent enough to understand that English could not be done away and they also didn't impose their own language on the minority linguistic groups. The majority linguistic group also didnt claim that identity of singapore is their language only.
Singapore was ruled by the British and got later separated from Malaysia. But they never insisted that English and Malay languages must be thrown away from their country.
Singapore is an example of how a nation can progress, (only) if diversity is accepted and accomodated
P.S.This post is just a fact which has been posted because Mr. Lee Kuan Yew passed away. It has nothing to do with any other language policy followed by any other country in the Solar System.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Churchill's prophecy

"If Indians won dominion status, A triumphant brahmin oligarchy would drive out the moslem minority and grind the untouchables into the dust. Gandhi's wealthy backers would extract their fortunes from the sweat of the poor; graft and corruption would become the rule of the day......"

These are the words of Winston Churchill in 1931 when Gandhi-Irwin pact was signed and Irwin had accepted dominion status in principle.

Looking at events like Hashimpura massacre, Bathani Tola massacre, Laxmanpur Bathe massacre and the way judicial system failed to punish the perpetrators, I feel that churchill was right to a certain extent. The triumphant brahmin oligarchy is not there. Instead we have casteism and religious intolerance. We also have the triumphant dominant caste hindus in every region, in every arm of bueraucracy and politics who will keep proving that Churchill was indeed right.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

India's Daughter

I remember one politician whose name starts with 'M' and ends with 'Singh' remarking that "Boys make mistakes and so rapists should not be hanged".
An Interesting coincidence is that a rape convict whose name is 'Mukesh Singh' justifies his crime in a similar tone.
The existence of people with mentality of 'Mr.Singh' in politics itself shows that they merely reflect the mentality of our society.
In the continuum of 'patriarchy' on one extreme and 'Equality' on the other extreme, some of us are placed close to patriarchy while some are close to equality. We are in fact part of, and also responsible for every crime which happen against women.
Dowry would have ended long back if we had stopped demanding it atleast after a prohibition law was enacted. Female foetuses would not have been aborted without the connivance of doctors and parents. Secret cam videos would not have gone viral without we sharing them in Whatsapp. Serials and movies glorifying violence against women and commodifying women would not be telecast unless we enjoy watching it. Dark-skinned women would not be ridiculed in fairness cream ads if our families don't prefer for fair-skinned bride. Khap panchayats would not have been dictating the time at which women should venture out and their dress code without our approval. Religious leaders would not have been distinguishing between rural and urban rapes without our support they enjoy.
We are completely okay when a religious leader or a politician echoes our patriarchal views. But we become hysterical when a rape convict echoes the similar views!!!
The documentary 'India's Daughter' clearly shows that crime against women is a social problem, and it is the mindset of the society which is the reason for such crimes. Stringent laws alone cannot stop such crimes, a change in the mindset among us(men as well as women) is what is needed.