Sunday, December 28, 2014

Why all Hindus must unite together?

There has been a fervent appeal in politics always, asking for all the hindus to unite together. Now the appeal is increasingly being heard in Social media too.

The uniting issue is surrounded around "opposition to PK movie". These months there were lot of issues on which hindus were asked to unite--against conversion, bringing back Ram temple and during elections- rallying hindus against the pseudo-secular parties. It is said that via PK movie a muslim actor has insulted hindu religion. Parallels are drawn comparing the unity of other religions against freedom of speech like that of Christians against Davinci code and muslims against vishwaroopam movie.

"It is possible to view the hindu faith as a river with many tributaries, some that feed into a mainstream and others that leave it. Perhaps the image itself is mistaken, for in many respects there is no main river at all. This is a religion which is decentralized as no other. Each district has its own holy shrines, each run by its own locally revered priest".(quoted from India after Gandhi) 

The  RSS chief M.S.Gowalkar tried in vain to unite hindus by trying to make cow-slaughter a national priority. The cow was found all over India and hindus too were all over India. While the Hindus worshipped the cow, other religions butchered it. The main theme of communalism itself is to portray secular interests of religions are not just different but also conflicting to each other and so it was not possible for these religions to co-exist. Appeal against cow slaughter never gained a nation-wide momentum. 

The Ayodhya controversy helped greatly to converge the diversified hindu traditions into a unified movement.The Historian Ramachandra Guha says this hindu consolidation was also helped by the serial Ramayan telecasted on sunday mornings in   doordarshan during 1987-88. With an estimated 80 million viewers streets were empty on sunday mornings with hospitals and factories too reporting large-scale absenteeism. Viewers used to take a ritual bath, garlanding television sets before the show began. Anthropologist Philip Lutgendorf wrote ' never before had such a large percentage of south Asia's population been united in a single activity'. A decentralized religion lacking a single holy book or a unique singular god, the serial in fact introduced a congregational imperative into hinduism and Ram became the most glamorous of all Hindu gods.

We very well know who benefited from this unity. This unity was never used to reform any irrationality. Instead in states like Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, acts of sati were encouraged and worshipped. History was written to portray all muslim rulers as invaders and destroyers of holy shrines. Diversity was throttled. Tribals who have no connection with hindu culture were appended to hinduism. Riots were orchestrated and translated into votes. 

Trying to a forge an unified and uniform culture for hindus is threatening every local traditions. Diwali in north and south India fall on different dates and have differing myths behind its celebration. Farmers celebrate festival of harvest in many states on different days irrespective of their religion. But these harvest festivals are getting hinduized and being termed as hindu festivals. 

People justify this idiotic spirit to unite as 'nationalism'. And this nationalism is measured not by the love you have for your country but by the extent to which you are mainstreamed. And this mainstream culture is what the majority determines.
The latest weapon now is now to unite hindus against PK movie.
If hindus are the majority, then how can their pre-eminence be threatened by a movie or by proselytization work of other religions.
Why do we regard every criticism directed towards us as something threatening our very existence? If we still regard everything as sacred, and scriptures written in 2000 B.C as relevant and immutable in A.D 2014 too, I guess that would be the biggest threat to hinduism. 
 Instead of trying to unite hindus for a destructive work, let us unite to do something constructive. I feel the single most dividing factor in hinduism is caste.So, why dont we unite in promoting inter-caste marriages??

Monday, March 3, 2014

Unreasonable demand for Special category status

Eligibility set by  Planning Commission for special category status
1. hilly and difficult terrain,
2. low population density, 
3.sizeable share of the population as tribals,
4. strategic location along borders,
5. economic and infrastructural backwardness,
6. and non-viable nature of state finances.

While the first and third are geographic factors, others are socio-economic factors. 
-Governance failure,corruption, social inequalities etc cant be reasons to claim special category status.
-Granting tax breaks and more funds when the structural problems are not addressed will accentuate these problems instead of solving them.
-Also this will be a blot on federalism as other well performing states will be denied their share of central revenues.
-While there is no doubt that governance is getting better in Bihar since 2006, and the effects of 50 years for mal-governance has to be remedied, Bihar should get help from centre and other well performing states(eg-health sector of tn,PDS of chattisgarh) to reform its administration
-Finally asking people to observe bandh will result in economic loss to the state rather than bettering the economy of the state.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Why we blame only the government and police??

#About the video shared as "delhi police brutaity"

I wish to begin by mentioning that i m n no way justifying the brutality..but lets think a moment..Sex determination and selective abortion of female foetus cannot be done without the connivance of doctors..yet we dont say "doctors brutality", There are lot of teachers who mistreat and misbehave their students, yet we dont say "teachers brutality", There are lot of  corporate companies which evade taxes, follow unethical business practices, compromise the quality of even life saving drugs(pharma company ranbaxy) yet we dont say "corporate brutality".I can add engineers, lawyers and every damn profession in this list. But when it comes to blaming the politicians are bueuracracy we use words like "dirty politics", "corrupt bueraucracy" etc as if every single person in this profession is corrupt...

There are corrupt people in every profession..each one of us is corrupt to a particular extent.Lets remember that we are able to sleep peacefully because there are honest police men who patrol in the streets round the clock sacrificing their sleeps.

I try my best to ignore AAP but couldnt..because the "delhi police brutality" video ended with a small propaganda for AAP.. When I was in delhi during 2011 Delhi high court blast, i received a message from team anna that "bomb blasts happen because of the apathy and connivance of corrupt police officers"..after the delhi december 17 gang rape incident, the AAP poster said "keep voting for the corrupt, women will keep getting raped"..Ending corruption may be a sensible goal but this absurdity has gone to the extent of linking each and every problem to corruption..

The example of height of this absurdity is -to blame only every politicians and government as corrupt as if we are ultra clean..

The brutality done by 2 men in uniform,if true, must be condemned. Further, its serious because the protectors of people themselves have become perpetrators of a crime.
 While blaming them on one side, I wish the same people to also remember hundreds of honest police officers and every men-in-uniform in the armed forces and paramilitary forces on Republic Day...

Please read the link below to know more

Jai Hind

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Police-under State or Centre?

The debate whether the centre should control the police or state should control the police is ridiculous...only if the police force is insulated from the unwarranted influences of the government in power, they can work better. The supreme court has laid down this guideline far back in 2006.

The judgment had said, "Security Commission in every state to ensure that the state government does not exercise unwarranted influence or pressure on the state police and for laying down the broad policy guidelines so that the state police always acts according to the laws of the land and the Constitution of the country."

In total SC laid down 7 guidelines to ensure the effective functioning of police..(the PIL was put by Mr.Prakash Singh a retired IPS officer)

Noone other than a few rallied behing MR.Prakash singh, noone cared for 6 years why SC guidelines were not implemented(which implies contempt of court), even during the december 16 gangrape incident, noone talked abt police reforms, even at that time the Delhi police was under the control of suddenly everybody has woken up from slumber..

Police can function better only if the governments in power dont use it as their private doesnt matter whether centre controls it or the state..

##if you need a reform demand it holistically and selflessly, not because your lawminister's batman avatar failed miserably. I hope Christopher Nolan forgives you....
The 7 SC guidelines are as follows
Directive One
Constitute a State Security Commission (SSC) to:
(i) Ensure that the state government does not exercise unwarranted influence or pressure on
the police
(ii) Lay down broad policy guideline and
(iii) Evaluate the performance of the state police

Directive Two
Ensure that the DGP is appointed through merit based transparent process and secure a
minimum tenure of two years

Directive Three
Ensure that other police officers on operational duties (including Superintendents of Police
in-charge of a district and Station House Officers in-charge of a police station) are also
provided a minimum tenure of two years

Directive Four
Separate the investigation and law and order functions of the police..

Directive Five
Set up a Police Establishment Board (PEB) to decide transfers, postings, promotions and other
service related matters of police officers of and below the rank of Deputy Superintendent of
Police and make recommendations on postings and transfers above the rank of Deputy
Superintendent of Police

Directive Six
Set up a Police Complaints Authority (PCA) at  state level to inquire into public complaints
against police officers of and above the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police in cases of
serious misconduct, including custodial death, grievous hurt, or rape in police custody and at
district levels to inquire into public complaints against the police personnel below the rank of
Deputy Superintendent of Police in cases of serious misconduct 

Directive Seven
Set up a National Security Commission (NSC)  at the union level to prepare a panel for
selection and placement of Chiefs of the Central Police Organisations (CPO) with a minimum
tenure of two years.